On his youtube channel which promotes his web site that I consider a Top Internet Site is a great man's quest and the society that he founded as a Neo Think society and his desire to abolish the antiquated Democratic / Republican political
parties based on the national platform and the Prime Law.
Why? Because NOW you can take back control when you take responsibility for you and your fellow countrymen. After watching the video, it really makes sense when you consider that...
"We see the century-long trend: the Democratic Party and the Republican Party have become all about gaining political power. Therefore, today I introduce the Twelve Visions Party, a new political party that reverses the century-long power-grab by making politics only about protection and not about power. I will begin by saying: There are ostensible qualities I love about the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, from which rises the Twelve Visions Party"
Mark Hamilton
How I Became Involved With the Twelve Visions Party
When I received three books from Mark Hamilton, an author of Neo Think; not only was he an inspiration for me and the downtrodden, but when I was at my lowest point in life living out of a van, I learned that we have a choice. I received the insight through what he calls "NeoThinking" or new thinking.
As I received the trilogy (future blog) of what would unfold as my destiny... I followed my dream of becoming an inventor; I have since joined other societies that hold the secrets of the ages and Mark Hamilton is my mentor in the Neo Think Society and Global Information Network (previously discussed as a blog). You may want to revisit those blogs for clarity...
Mark Hamilton is now providing information on his Twelve Visions Party (I never I would ever become involved in politics). However, his agenda is a breath of fresh air when the natopnal platform is to "de-politicize" politics ( a paradox or a paradigm shift? you decide) which is, in my humble opinion, necessary for the common man / woman / child to evolve and endure in the next century which should have been enacted in 2000 not 2012.
How YOU Can Support the Prime Law
Become a supportive member for the Twelve Visions Party held in Chicago, IL on July 21 and 22, 2012 by going to the web site. be sure that you understand the prime law which will depoliticize the political system once and for all.
Why? Because NOW you can take back control when you take responsibility for you and your fellow countrymen. After watching the video, it really makes sense when you consider that...
"We see the century-long trend: the Democratic Party and the Republican Party have become all about gaining political power. Therefore, today I introduce the Twelve Visions Party, a new political party that reverses the century-long power-grab by making politics only about protection and not about power. I will begin by saying: There are ostensible qualities I love about the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, from which rises the Twelve Visions Party"
Mark Hamilton
How I Became Involved With the Twelve Visions Party
When I received three books from Mark Hamilton, an author of Neo Think; not only was he an inspiration for me and the downtrodden, but when I was at my lowest point in life living out of a van, I learned that we have a choice. I received the insight through what he calls "NeoThinking" or new thinking.
As I received the trilogy (future blog) of what would unfold as my destiny... I followed my dream of becoming an inventor; I have since joined other societies that hold the secrets of the ages and Mark Hamilton is my mentor in the Neo Think Society and Global Information Network (previously discussed as a blog). You may want to revisit those blogs for clarity...
Mark Hamilton is now providing information on his Twelve Visions Party (I never I would ever become involved in politics). However, his agenda is a breath of fresh air when the natopnal platform is to "de-politicize" politics ( a paradox or a paradigm shift? you decide) which is, in my humble opinion, necessary for the common man / woman / child to evolve and endure in the next century which should have been enacted in 2000 not 2012.
How YOU Can Support the Prime Law
Become a supportive member for the Twelve Visions Party held in Chicago, IL on July 21 and 22, 2012 by going to the web site. be sure that you understand the prime law which will depoliticize the political system once and for all.
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