Thursday, June 28, 2012

Top Ten Best Affiliate Sites

Another Internet strategy that I use to create multiple income streams that is powerful as network marketing but without having to recruit individuals is affiliate marketing. There are countless of affiliate programs that often one has to decide where analysis paralysis sets in. The bottom-line, however, is which affiliate program has the best pay structure which translates to commissions earned?

Therefore, I continuously peruse the Internet to look out for the best of the best. What I have found by putting in the word-phrase "Top Ten Affiliate Programs" identified the 'top best affiliate programs' which is synonymous with top ten.

With that premise i mind; the question is "What do you look for in an affiliate program?" This blog is about identifying the top best affiliate programs. I provide the generic link for you to start. However, if you go through my links, I will get you "targeted leads" to explode any business marketing campaign that you administer o the Internet.

Affiliate Marketing

Accordingly,  Affiliate marketing is a type of  performance - based marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought about by the affiliate's own marketing efforts.

The industry has four core players: the merchant (also known as 'retailer' or 'brand'), the network (that contains offers for the affiliate to choose from and also takes care of the payments), the publisher (also known as 'the affiliate'), and the customer.

The market has grown in complexity to warrant a secondary tier of players, including affiliate management agencies, super-affiliates and specialized third party vendor. I am with the Plimus network and have access to over 100,000 eBooks. However, this is not about eBooks, per se, it is more about selecting the ten best affiliate sites which you will agree have earned their recognition.

Using A Virtual Office and A Real Time Demo

As an online entrepreneur I have found a solution to running any Internet business on autopilot. You see although much of today's business happens in traditional offices -- a brick-and-mortar business which is a physical building to house work spaces to which employees commute every work day...

a cost-effective and time-productive solution is using a new business model that accelerates the law of attraction. This blog will discuss advances in science and technology regarding customer interactions, suppliers and advertisers services who all go to that a particular location to get or deliver goods and services online.The innovative business model works, because it involves less time and effort.

Definition of a Virtual Office

A virtual office is a work environment with some equipment and telecommunications links but no fixed office space. Workers, who may be scattered across the United States or even the world, communicate with each other and with customers and suppliers through technologies such as the internet and phone. They rely on mobile devices such as laptops and cell phones and may never physically meet one another.


Because a virtual office requires no physical space, it is cheaper than a traditional office due to the lack of overhead. Communications bills may be equal or higher for the virtual company. However, gone are the costs of renting or buying a building, maintaining it and providing furniture and services for onsite employees and customers. A virtual office can also save on tax burdens by hiring independent contractors, who are responsible for their own tax payments.Listen to a pre-recorded message that addresses taxes or create your own. The two-step process are provided for you to do a live demo in real-time.

Step I: Voice Mail settings

DEMO: Whenever you're away from your computer, use your phone to dial into the Prosperity Central phone system and follow these simple steps:

    Call: (916) 233-3539
    Enter your voice mail number: 69238
    Enter your PIN: 9412# (edit)
Once you're in, the system will guide you the rest of the way.

Step II: Extensions

Receive a free tour of a virtual office in real-time.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Get Paid For Reading Text-Messages

Now get paid for text-messaging. For anyone who is not familiar with this word phrase you probably have not stayed current with the market trend. No matter; because you see these text messaging, or texting enthusiasts are everywhere, and as an exchange of brief written text messages between two or more mobile phones or fixed or portable devices over a phone network, you are wondering if anyone is getting paid? Well...

While the original term was derived from referring to messages sent using the Short Message Service (SMS) and originated from Radio Telegraphy, it has since been extended to include messages containing image, video, and sound content (known as  MMS messages).

As a texter, text messages can be used to interact with automated systems such as ordering products and services for mobile phones or participating in contests. Smart advertisers and service providers use direct text market to notify mobile phone users about promotions, and now the opportunity is for texters to receive payment.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Make Magazine and Arduino Technology

As the inventor of the PyramiTroniX Resonator, I get my ides from Make Magazine an American quarterly magazine published by O'Reilly Media which focuses on do it yourself (DIY) and/or DIWO (Do It With Others) projects involving computers, electronics, robotics, metalworking, woodworking and other disciplines.

The magazine is marketed to people who enjoy making things and features complex projects which can often be completed with cheap materials, including household items. Make Magazine is considered "a central organ of the maker movement." I myself have the Arduino board as the third stage of evolution for the invention.

The Virtual Kiosk and Prepaid Cellular Phone Industry

You see them pretty much everywhere where products and services are sold. But can you afford one? A typical kiosk in a physical mall costs around $20,000 provided by that company that promotes a product or service because its a franchise operation. 

However, by leveraging the cost factor through another successful business strategy you can receive a "Virtual Kiosk and more." There are two definitions for "kiosk" the

First Definition

"Kiosk" is a stand-alone device or structure that is interactive such as a computer platform.

Secondary Definition
    • "Kiosk" is structure to promote different products and services such as a newsstand, telephone booth and hot dog stand which are types of kiosks. Whereas, technological types of kiosks include ATMs, airport terminals for  flight check-in and other computer-related terminals or booths.
Get Paid For Having A "Virtual Kiosk" To Promote Prepaid Cellular Phones and Accessories

Of interest is now the "Virtual Kiosk" which is a web platform to promote prepaid cellular and an independent personal service providing information for their members.

Services include informational requests, setting dinner reservations, making telephone calls, researching travel arrangements and more. Get paid for having the Virtual Kiosk with prepaid cellular and personal concierge services.

Receive your FREE CD  (attraction marketing) by sending an email request to:

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Time-Money-Freedom Is Based On Residual Income and Multiple Income Streams

This blog discussion is about participation in a new joint venture one of many gold nuggets featured in this section of my writings. Why, because, a new and brave world is not just in surviving what I call disillusionment because of a system that is flawed: economically, politically, socially, and spiritually, but central to the disillusionment and despair is deliverance. Not deliverance from evil but deliverance from life -- the "old life" to keep an open mind and accept a "new life."

What will transpire as you read this blog is "how committed are you?" to changing your lifestyle...WHY? Because you are at the center of the universe/cosmos; and that the law of attraction is not a metaphor, but something that is real and within your grasp. It has been said that "success is a decision away" as said by Kevin Trudeau at a secret society meeting in a three-day "law of attraction" conference. from this I learned that we are continuously endowed with abundance from our creator.

From the conference that I could not attend but received the free MP3 as a member of the secret society, Global Information Network (GIN), I became one of the privileged because of membership; another Law of attraction secret is...

"You become what you think about all the time"

I received "clarity" to start joint venture marketing campaigns to get individuals involved who desire to challenge their monthly obligations to the utility company, the water board, the car manufacturer, the telephone company etc. as the status quo who have enslaved them from the very beginning.

Previously, Nikola Tesla had a desire to give free wireless. However, J.P Morgan (financier) destroyed him in the end along with Thomas Edison (inventor: DC electricity) who were opposed to Tesla (inventorAC electricity). Nevertheless AC electricity is what powers most our electronic devices and Tesla's inventions have flourished and humankind has endured.

During that time the status quo was challenged by Tesla. Similarly, we must challenge the status quo. Why, it is our birthright to take back what is really our own. So with this thought, I put out a thought-form to the universe and in return I was given a resolution: In a flyer that I place on the windshield of automobiles I accelerated the law of attraction through creating hope of which individuals can have if they look for something better. That means of course leaving one's comfort zone to explore new possibilities.

I became a fisher of men and women and recruit individuals based on a past-present-future situation / objective. Here is the flyer without graphics.


Dear future millionaire:

Over the years you probably have paid your share of hard earned money to the utilities company, telephone company, your mortgage banker, etc. While paying these as services rendered and as a tax payer. However, if you had tabulated the money that was paid to these government institutions and agencies you could have probably become a millionaire more than once. Let's find out if that assumption is true based on the following numbers and data projections (conservative). If you earn an income of $25,000 annually, and you are paying your mortgage of $900 for a three-bedroom home; and a typical electric bill for a family of four is $400; not to include telephone, and maybe monthly car payments...well ?

So what is your positive cash flow? In other words, your discretionary or disposable income?

Have you pondered that question? Especially before April 15, ___WHY? Because what if you could eliminate your fixed overhead expenses. Let's say that you want to work smart and not hard... The question now I have enough money? start a business from home?

Before you even start; to make that life-changing decision, you must L EARN one TRUTH. You will NEED to be a self-leader to forget and leave the government behind...

You will then HAVE FREE WILL to start living the life YOU were meant to live.

DO not blow your mind...over this revelation... because the TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE!


By actually crunching numbers that a data analyst does daily, one can see a scientific formula of your annual income as a 40-year projection relative to your fixed expenditures (conservative estimates).

For a family of four with two-income earners in the family (both parents) each receiving an annual salary of $25,000 (gross income: before taxes); even with two salaries that add up to $50,000 you are still taxed...and overhead payments continue each month caused by the utility company, telephone company, mortgage bank, etc. This projection does NOT include clothing or entertainment expenses (those are luxury expenses in my opinion). Also your vehicle is paid off or you have another means of transportation just to go to work each month for continuing a 40 hours - 40 year retirement plan which IS really not secure because companies are now downsizing,

White Hat Publications 2228 18th Ave SW Largo, FL 33774 888-888-9802 X 69238

The Value of Time and Money

$50,000 / 12 months = $4,166 / month $4166 - 400 (Utilities) $3766 - 900 (Mortgage) 2866 $2866 - 40 (Telephone) 2826 NOTE: Excluded are food, clothing and other monies spent indirectly as essentials. Your discretionary income is now approximately $25OO / month. Now multiply that number times 40 years based on the 40-hour-40 year retirement schedule...your age is 25 years old. $2,500 X 40 years _____________ $1,000,000 Congratulations YOU are a millionaire; it only took YOU 40 years working at a job that YOU probably do NOT like...

My name is Raymond Ebbeler, MBA. I am here as your millionaire mentor and for YOU to cut through the bureaucrazy which IS preventing YOU from achieving your millionaire status. First and foremost, I am a success-life coach and I am involved with the Internet. I am both a messenger and participant...a catalyst, if you will. Are YOU Ready for change??? As an eBook publisher, editor, inventor, and investor; I have a positive cash flow of $5,000,000. I am involved with the Internet...and my myriad of web site(s) alone are worth that amount

I desire to generate more this year. ...and so should YOU. Do not allow analysis paralysis to set in...How? By creating leverage using geometric progression and receiving a residual income. Why? Because the 40-years that it will take YOU to become a millionaire will be reduced through multiple income streams in less than three years. WHEN NOW receive your FREE CD the key is ten web sites and accelerating the law of attraction (the author's invention).

FREE Review below: First Level Income: Cellular Phone Second Level Income: Inventory Closeouts Third Level Income: Surplus Merchandise Fourth Level Income: Deregulated Energy Distribution Fifth Level Income: Health & Wellness Sixth Level Income: Pure Oxygen Seventh Level Income: Cellular Phone BONUS (Biological Immortality) (Video Phone) (Silver and Gold) (Cellular Phone)

Of all potential ten incomes circle one or all and I will get YOU the details for YOU to start earning more in a month that it takes for YOU to earn in a year...and YOU can take that to the bank!!! Send your selection(s) to: White Hat Publications 2228 18th Ave SW Largo, FL 33774 727-608-0115 or 1-888-888-9802 X 69238 (24 Hrs)

Monday, June 18, 2012

Earn Money With Or Without Websites and Blogs

As CEO of eBooksBuxOnDemand, I custom-design eBooks and eBooks covers and have an online registry of over 100,000 eBooks. While this is my primary source of income; I also have another web business that I promote through the Neo Library of Alexandria with over 30,000 independent vendors where I receive multiple incomes. I was curious to find that the top web sites that I considered my competition; provide no information on "how to earn an income on the Internet" let alone a "multiple income stream." Therefore the above video, brief, but informative provides discourse on "how to make a living on the Internet." Further, that the newly founded Neo Library of Alexandria is actually web portal for others to participate in the accelerated growth of the Internet to promote value to others interested in growing their virtual network. For discussion are the following top ten web sites regarding HTML5 ...

1 | The Wilderness Downtown | Arcade Fire
The Wilderness Downtown is an interactive music video for Arcade Fire’s song “We Used to Wait”. Visitors are asked to input the address of the home they grew up in and then the site uses Google Earth and HTML5 to create a personalized music video that takes the user on a journey back home.
Best HTML5 Websites | Website Design & Development

2 | Three Dreams of Black
3 Dreams of Black uses HTML5 to promote Danger Mouse and Daniele Luppi’s album Rome. The site creates a 3D interactive world using WebGL where all the objects in the video react to both the music and user inputs. The site will make you feel as if you’ve EXPERIENCED the song and not simply listened to it.
Best HTML5 Websites | Website Design & Development

3 | Universeries
Universeries is a reference site about television producers and the shows they’ve created that illustrates how html5’s data visualization tools can enhance static information presentation. If you love TV and would like to find out more about your favorite shows there is no more entertaining way to do so online.
Best HTML5 Websites | Website Design & Development

4 | Agent 008 Ball
The Agent008Ball website created by Pixel Labs utilizes HTML5’s canvas techniques to allow users to play a rather precise game of Billiards right on their computer screen. The site was created in conjunction with Microsoft to celebrate the advanced features in its IE9 browser and it does just that.
Best HTML5 Websites | Website Design & Development

5 | This Shell
This Shell website is an HTML5 experiment created by Legwork Studios that promotes Gamit’s new album “Parts” in a rather fun and rewarding manner. The website presents fans with a video puzzle that if solved, before the music ends, allows them access to a free mp3 download of the song.
Best HTML5 Websites | Website Design & Development

6 | Ben The Bodyguard
The Ben the Bodyguard website is a promo for Nerd Communications iPhone Security App that protects user’s mobile data. The website allows users to take a vertical stroll with Ben through a rather rough neighborhood where he has to fight off several threats in a manner reminiscent of 80s era video games.
Best HTML5 Websites | Website Design & Development

7 | Art of Stars
Art of the Stars uses your IP address to draw a picture of the Star constellation directly above you. What is most interesting about this project is that it uses HTML5 to develop an application on the web in a similar manner to those currently built in mobile applications for the Droid and iPhone.
Best HTML5 Websites | Website Design & Development

8 | Lost Worlds Fair
The Lost World’s Fair site was developed to showcase the HTML5 capabilities inherent in IE9 by creating interactive posters that take users on a journey to three fabled locales. By using your mouse to scroll down each poster visitors are allowed to uncover further mysteries hidden in each location.
Best HTML5 Websites | Website Design & Development

9 | Toyota Prius Projects
The Toyota Prius project celebrates the first 10 years that the Prius has been available by highlighting changes in the world made over that time span and allows users to envision what the next 10 years will bring. This is the best example of how HTML5 can be used to create a more immersive web experience.
Best HTML5 Websites | Website Design & Development

Rumpetroll is a Massive Multiplayer experience that allows multiple users to interact and chat as tadpoles in a futuristic pond. Thousands of people can swim around in the environment and chat with each other using HTML5 in a manner that gives us a peek into what the Twitter of the future might look like.
Best HTML5 Websites | Website Design & Development

Perhaps, the Internet is becoming saturated? I really do NOT think this although there are a myriad of different topics that can be viewed via the Internet. However, one would need to change with the times and since there are more money-making opportunities on the Internet the new web portal as a library allows you to become an affiliate Internet marketer. Now why do you want to become involved as an affiliate? Because the commission structure allows you to receive up to  75% commission. However, if you opt for 100% commission you would receive the following eBooks & Software worth over $900 FREE!

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  • Streaming Video Software - Add Streaming Videos to Your Web Site very easily.( $67.00 ) 
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Welcome to the new CBTopSites where you will promote web sites, capture pages, blogs, to generate multiple incomes as an "aggregate Internet marketer." Peruse the web portal where, as an investor in different business opportunities via the Internet, affiliate marketing now allows you to take advantage of other people's minds, media, and millions (OP3M). This is, of course, a revision of other people's money (OPM) which is the standard in real estate investment strategies . This web portal now allows individuals to have the same opportunity since the playing field is now leveled for anyone to be part of the Internet business arena. If you have been searching for a viable product to promote and was told that you had to have a web site, a domain name, and a web host...consider the alternative -- A cost effective solution: Earn Money With Or Without Websites/blogs In Hundreds Of Easy Ways!

By simply pasting "redirect links" to anyone in your opt-in list or to anywhere online via email; now you can earn up to 75% commissions from 35, 000 high-demand products. Since there is no investment, technical skills or experience needed; this is a 100% legitimate home-based businesses. Continue to peruse this web site because, as promised as much as I am an esoteric scientist and have multiple interests in promoting my invention, the PyramiTroniX Resonator; I am also an investor in real estate and gold. Moreover, I am an Internet entrepreneur and engage in affiliate marketing through Offer Vault, Click Bank, and other Cost Per Action networks of which  this site has made it possible for anyone to come in since the cost is a nominal one time flat fee in exchange for 35,000 already approved capture pages, web sites, blogs and more. Not only that; but, if you already have an opt-in list (they say "money is in the list") you can drive traffic to your multiple marketing campaigns. Through the CBTopSites site, I have financed my scientific projects since the multiple income streams are considered a two-tier perpetual profit system.